International Peace Day
September 21 Peace Day is a day of global unity, a day of intercultural cooperation, a day when millions of people join forces for a ceasefire and end to violence.
Our complex, as a UNESCO certified school, supports any peace-building activity through education, freedom of expression, intercultural dialogue, respect for human rights, cultural diversity and scientific cooperation.
Today, in our educational complex, a line was held with the participation of all children and teachers in honor of Peace Day. And also peace lessons conducted for kids from kindergarten and schoolchildren. Everyone should understand the importance of this day, because we want peace in the world!
A peace pillar was installed on the territory of the complex, and our Ilimians placed paper cranes on it. As the crane is a bird of the sun, a symbol of health, longevity and peace!
By the way, everything that our Ilimians prepared today will appear on the websites of UNESCO and the UN.