Education - Higher, Kirgiz Women's Pedagogical Institute of Mayakovsky
Excellence in Education of the Kyrgyz Republic
Diploma of MES KR
Pedagogical experience since 1977
My motto: "Love, justice, honesty!"
Birthday: November, 24
Higher education, Kyrgyz State Pedogogical University named after I. Arabaev
Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Kyrgyz Republic RONO
Pedagogical experience since 2004
My motto: "My job - love with care. Brilliant children need brilliant ideas!"
Birthday: May, 4
Education: Higher, Kyrgyz-Russian Academy of Education
Teaching experience since 2011
My motto is: "Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted!"
Birthday: October, 11
Education: Higher, BSU named after K. Karasaev
Teaching experience since 2019
My motto is: " The main task of the educator is to teach the child to be happy"
Birthday: August, 6
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