Rules for student

Rules developed by the school parliament EC "Ilim"

Philosophy EC "Ilim": Nature has given talents to each person, our task - to realize them with maximum diligence.

The aim of cooperation of the stuff of educational complex "Ilim" with the students of the educational complex "Ilim" is its competence.

The student must:

1. Maximally develop his intellectual potential.

2. Shaped his skills, ie.:

  • understand himself;
  • be able to organize himself in the activities;
  • be able to make decisions;
  • be able to take responsibility for taken decision and its results;
  • be able to work in a team and individually;
  • be able to draw up a program of his own personal growth;
  • be able to implement his own program of education;
  • acquire analytical skills;
  • be able to find and use relevant information;
  • be able to learn;
  • be able to think;
  • be able to work;
  • be able to get to work and complete it;

3. In order to achieve the stated objectives of the student must:

  • make independent decisions regarding his at the Educational Complex "Ilim";
  • after deciding to study at the Educational Complex "Ilim", to take responsibility for his education;
  • in the case of performance the first two paragraphs, the student must sign the "Rules of conduct for students in EC "Ilim" and undertake to implement them.

Rules of conduct for student in educational complex "Ilim"

The objectives of these rules are to create a favorable environment for study, safe conditions of stay in the complex and on its territory, development of respect for the personality, skills of cultural behavior, social interaction.

Student must:

  • come to the complex for 15-20 minutes before classes start;
  • come in a clean and tidy established school uniform (to have a BRANDED sportswear of EC "Ilim" in physical education classes);
  • leave outerwear in the locker room, if necessary, change shoes;
  • take your study place and prepare all the necessary school supplies for the upcoming lesson;
  • behave with dignity, cultural at school and beyond;
  • comply with internal schedule and rules of the complex (not to disturb the learning process, systematically be ready for lessons, do not be late to class, participate in class and school activities);
  • make every effort for successful adaptation;
  • build his relationships with teachers, staff and students of the complex on the basis of mutual respect and tact (to address elders by name and patronymic);
  • maintain the cleanliness and order in the territory of the complex;
  • in a timely manner to fulfill the missing hours, pass modules, themes, provide a plan-outline, etc;
  • create and maintain a safe environment in the school and classroom;
  • in case of absences to provide the class teacher a certificate from a doctor or a note from parents (or persons in loco) on the reason for absence;
  • cherish the honor of his school, his class and his own one.

Students must not:

  • leave the complex during the learning process without authorization;
  • willfully leave the sports, cultural and extra-curricular activities;
  • climb on the windowsills, closets, equipment in the rooms;
  • ride on a handrail, sitting on a handrail, and windowsills;
  • open the electrical and technical cabinets;
  • make use of sport and game designs on the school grounds not according to their intended purpose;
  • use of the substance, drugs, drinks, etc, are harmful to health (alcohol, drugs, toxins, amphetamines, cigarettes, etc.);
  • carry, store and use whatever the weapon (gun, knife, brass knuckles, etc.);
  • psychologically frighten students in order to extort money or any other valuable things;
  • physically affect to attempt to inflict bodily injury to students, as well as various forms of incitements entailing a fight;
  • use cell phones in the classroom;
  • miss classes without a good reason.

Pupils’ behavior at lessons:

  • on the bell students should take their seats at their desks and prepare everything necessary for the lesson;
  • attendants are required to prepare classroom and equipment to each lesson, report on missing students their teacher;
  • each student is responsible for the cleanliness, order and safety of the workplace in the classroom;
  • at the entrance to the teacher in class, students are required to stand for greeting;
  • there should not be anything unnecessary on the desk; textbooks and notebooks can be opened only with the teacher’s permission;
  • during the lesson, students should sit up straight, do not talk and do not engage in extraneous affairs;
  • the student must fulfill all the requirements of the teacher in the classroom;
  • if during class the student need to leave room, he must ask permission of the teacher;
  • when called to the blackboard student must come up with a diary, answering student should stand straight, speak loudly, clearly.
  • students who wish to ask about something the teacher must raise his hand, after the teacher's permission to get up and ask a question;
  • students should not prompt, correct answers their classmates without the teacher's permission;
  • on bell students quietly out of the class to break with the teacher's permission;
  • students should come in the sportswear and sports shoes for physical education lessons. Students do not go in sports hall without the teacher's permission. Students, who are exempt from exercising, necessarily present in the hall.

Rules of conduct during the break:

  • during the school breaks pupils should behave easy, in disciplined manner in the school premises;
  • at the request of security each pupil must report his name and grade;
  • moving along the corridor and stairs pupil should keep to the right;
  • do not overtake a teacher, another adult person walking ahead on the stairs, corridor, and if necessary, to ask permission;
  • need to be polite, say hello to all adults and children;
  • when entering or leaving the school cannot push each other, to skip older people and girls forward;
  • during breaks only attendants remain in the classroom, which should ventilate the area, bring order in the classroom;
  • pupil can go to the toilet during the break, not to ask for leave during the lessons, in the toilet, he must be careful, wash his hands necessarily.

Preservation of school property and textbooks:

  • all pupils are required to take care of school property and their belongings;
  • in the case of damage the school property by the pupil, the restoration or repair is made by his parents in full;
  • pupils are required to maintain outside and inside green spaces of the school, in case of their damage to restore them;
  • textbooks, books, diaries of pupils must be carefully wrapped;
  • all students must take care of textbooks. In each book, you must have a bookmark. You can not rupture or bend pages, make notes, marks or pictures on the book.

Requirements for culture of conduct:

  • you must be polite, friendly with all;
  • talking with adults, you cannot keep your hands in your pockets, it is necessary to stay straight;
  • greeting guys, call them by name;
  • maintain cleanliness and order, do not litter - it is very important;
  • need to help adults, comrades. No need to wait for a request for help, it is important to be attentive to others;
  • strictly necessary to be neat, tidy. You need to monitor the cleanliness of the face, hands, and hair, it is important to keep clean clothes and shoes.

Pupils’ behavior at public events:

  • on school holidays come smartly dressed, combed neatly, at the appointed time;
  • taking place in the hall, you cannot push, run ahead of all;
  • in waiting for the holiday, you can talk quietly. Once the start is announced, it is necessary to stop talking;
  • in the event you cannot speak, disturb others, to move from place to place, to leave before the end of the event;
  • to offer a seat for adults which came.

Requirements for the behavior in the school canteen:

  • go organized and calm to the canteen with his classmates;
  • in the canteen to behave according to the rules of cultured behavior;
  • comply with queue when receiving food;
  • careful handling of bread and other food products;
  • go to the canteen only according to the schedule set for their class;
  • be careful and attentive when receiving and eating hot soups;
  • after a meal to gather dirty dishes and take them on a special table.

Final provision:

  • for violation of these rules are applied disciplinary action and educational impact:
    • 1st - warning and notification of parents;
    • 2nd - call parents to the school;
    • 3rd - expulsion of the student.
  • School Parliament reserves the right to use alternative forms of adjustment to student conduct: labor troops - work in the kitchen, cleaning classrooms, toilets, school grounds;
  • for gross and repeated violations of these rules, the student may be expelled from school. In case of exclusion of a student his tuition fees will not be returned;
  • these rules apply to all activities conducted outside the complex.


  • 6-b, Toktonalieva Str.,
    Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
  • +996 (770) 33-03-23
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  • 8:00 - 17:00
    (except weekends and holidays)