School of the 21st century

Objective: The project "School of the 21st Century" in Kyrgyzstan operates under the same name of an international project initiated by U.S. teachers.

The project combines the efforts of students from 11 countries. The main objective of the project - interactive forms of learning. Students working in the project, learn about the world and take an active part in its development, consolidating their efforts with students around the world.

Form of work: practical work, live chat via the Internet with students of other states, conferences, shows, competitions, etc.


  • 2015-2016 academ. year: "My family and its role in the life of the country" (4th grade, class teacher Mahmudova G. M.)
  • 2016-2017 academ. year: "Profession in a person's life" (4th grade, class teacher Ostrozhnova N. V.)
  • 2017-2018 academ. year: "Book from A to Z" (4th grade, class teacher Zhuzupova G. F.)
    "What is under our feet or "Precious stones of Kyrgyzstan" (4 grade, class teacher Losikhina V. A.)


  • 6-b, Toktonalieva Str.,
    Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
  • +996 (770) 33-03-23
  • +996 (312) 54-13-79 - Reception room of Director

    +996 (312) 54-56-87, +996 (708) 330 323 - Customer service department

    +996 (312) 54-56-88, +996 (500) 330 356 - Accounting Department

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • 8:00 - 17:00
    (except weekends and holidays)