Must be said that before these women were engaged in variety of activities: Guljamal Esenalieva is economist, Gaisha Ibragimova is historian and archaeologist who worked as a history teacher, and the assistant principal.
The idea of creating the school was born in a very difficult time for our nation, when old values were destroyed, new ones have emerged. And at that time there was a dream to create a school in which every student is successful. Its success stands on diligence, watered and by parents Love, and nurtured by Faith of teachers.
"Ilim" EC gathered a group of like-minded people in 1993. It rented a room in secondary school number 62 for students, and a building of kindergarten № 177 for kindergarten, and started its activity. Management responsibilities were distributed. Esenalieva G. D. led Kindergarten; Ibragimova G. D. led the school process. But they desired to combine all the processes of education and training to make a transition of children from kindergarten to school more painless. And in June 1995 the document on the ownership of the premises of former kindergarten number 80 before related to the plant "Fizpribor" was obtained.
After collapse of the Soviet Union (USSR) in 1991, funding for the social sector has been discontinued. People had not been paid salaries, and the administration of the kindergarten № 80 was forced to close one of the buildings: groups were cut off heating, electricity, water, repairs were not made. The rooms and grounds were in a deplorable state: the rotten floors and a leaking roof, there was no appropriate furniture.
In this regard, the first few years OK "Ilim" all the money spent to repairs the building and grounds. It was very, very hard. As they say, the road by walking. Today we are proud to demonstrate our achievements in the arrangement of the Complex.
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