
The project has three stages.

"Build your story" for children from 4 to 8 years.

This course allows children to acquire and develop important skills in the game form: communication and language - the ability to express their thoughts and ideas, discussion, language development, writing skills, perseverance and fine motor skills; development of creativity and thinking - the development of imagination, creating their stories and ideas, engineering; teamwork - the collective creation and discussion of the history and the distribution of roles; computer layout and editing - create and design their own comic book.

"The first robot LEGO WeDo" for children from 7 to 12 years.

Child will possess useful skills: creating three-dimensional models from two-dimensional drawings; experimental research, evaluation and determination of cause-effect relations; the study of the mechanisms of physical processes; analysis of results and the search for new solutions; teamwork of ideas and perseverance in their implementation; logical thinking, reasoning, programming the given behavior of the robot.

"Robotics" from 10 years of age or older.

Robotics allows a child in today's world to become a creator, not the average consumer! The course provides unlimited opportunities in the acquisition and development of critical skills; creative thinking in robots designing robots; a scientific approach when receiving and processing of knowledge in practice; skills description and analysis of the processes, mechanisms and technologies; studying the key principles of programming, algorithms, creation of complex control programs of models.
  • LEGO Education solutions today are the most advanced in the field of children's education not only in robotics and programming, but also in various applied sciences in a fun, game, competitive, experimental forms.
  • The whole course is based on LEGO Education solutions. Children do not work with the equipment under stress, or the tools and parts that can cause harm. The whole process and details comply with international safety standards.
  • Our teachers are certified to train LEGO.
  • The objective of our teacher - to give basic technical skills for your child and further to stimulate the creative development, a flight of fancy; assist in the implementation of the technical abilities of your child.



  • 6-b, Toktonalieva Str.,
    Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
  • +996 (770) 33-03-23
  • +996 (312) 54-13-79 - Reception room of Director

    +996 (312) 54-56-87, +996 (708) 330 323 - Customer service department

    +996 (312) 54-56-88, +996 (500) 330 356 - Accounting Department

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  • 8:00 - 17:00
    (except weekends and holidays)