
What parents need to know about playing?

"Chess - something more than just a game. It is an intellectual pastime, in which there are certain artistic properties and many scientific elements. For mental work chess mean the same thing as a sport for physical perfection: a pleasant way to exercise and develop the individual qualities of human nature..."

Chess is a form of all-round education of children. Countries that recognize the importance of chess actively implement them in the field of children education. Chess must enter into the life of elementary school as one of the elements of intellectual culture. We are talking about an elementary school where intellectual education occupies a special place. German scientist G. Klaus concluded: "The exact logical thinking is easier to train through the game of chess, rather than to use of special textbooks for this purpose".

Much more important to use the game of chess as a means for the fullest disclosure of the huge potential that lies in each child. For child chess - an exciting game, an interesting practical activity he deals with pleasure.

What gives children the game of chess?

  • Chess - effective model for the formation of a child's mechanism "action in the mind", which is an important factor in the development of intelligence.
  • Chess game generates a skill internal plan of action. A child who has mastered this skill is able to plan its time to think strategically and achieve their goals.
  • Promotes the development of orientation in the plane, spatial imagination, the formation of the analytic-synthetic activity.
  • It promotes improvement of the most valuable qualities such as attentiveness, patience, creativity, flexibility. All qualities that are so necessary for the child in the early grades of the modern school.
  • Unlike many other school subjects, in chess there is no ready answers to all questions. The child learns to relate mental processes with practical action, creatively apply the knowledge obtained in the classroom, look for non-trivial solutions and create beautiful combinations on the board.
  • Brings up a sense of responsibility for their actions, the ability to coordinate their actions to find and make the right choices.
  • It teaches to think, to be attentive, to remember, to compare, to generalize, to anticipate the results of their activities.
  • The child produces endurance, willpower, discipline and attentiveness.
  • The child learns to focus on a single process, it produces perseverance, formed arbitrariness of mental processes such as attention and memory.
  • In the context of the game, children focus better and remember more.
  • Game experience allows a person to stand on other people's point of view, to anticipate their future behavior and on this basis to build their own behavior.

Organizational matters:

  • Classes are held with children aged from 4 up to 16 years. (The optimal age to start learning chess - 4-6 years. During this period, children can easily master all new.)
  • Availability of the chessboard.


Alexander Lvovich Akopyan

- the master of sports of the USSR in chess, the graduate of the Baku school of chess and the bronze medalist of the championship of Greece.


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